This is vastly different from the take the cream and run mentality that has crippled eastern trappers in the past. Locklear s coon crushing clint trapping dvd with raccoon video alcatraz the dvd dvd the alcatraz locklear s with raccoon dvd coon video clint crushing trapping. In this bulk coyote training package, you will get. Eastern wolfer, coyote trapping book southern snares. Morgan and jennifer locklear met in 1989 as teenagers and became high school sweethearts. Learn how they use different styles of traps and locations to catch 1,100 pounds of turtles in 4 days. After returning home to tn, he ran mixed lines for water animals and land predators. Eastern wolfer by clint locklear book funke trap tags. Tonight we look at some lessons from james lucero and his classic book master wolfer. Join facebook to connect with clint locklear and others you may know. Clint locklear s eastern wolfer book is the first coyote book that caters to eastern and midwestern coyote trapping. Eastern wolfer book by clint locklear easewolfbk northern.
Eastern wolfer, coyote trapping book by clint locklear. The videos in the offer are mostly from clint locklear. The short story is, if you trap in the east and want to improve your coyote trapping game, this book is worth the money for sure. Trapping books by hawbaker trapping books, carman trapping books and many other leading trapping editors. Stack or repurpose the same job several times over, so that you can produce income from it in several different ways videos, products, books, etc. This is vastley different from the take the cream and run mentality that has crippled eastern trappers in the past. The only reply allowed on each thread is a reply by the post initiator. If you have any interest in predator control trapping youd be well served to visit clint s world on the internet. It is faster, updated and better for all you guys and gals that only use smart phones and pads. For four years clint trapped for a tn county to control their beaver problems. Coyote traps, no comprimises allowed in coyote trapping. Manual assembly disassembly care hunting video dvd disassembly care book hunting dvds north american hunting club book duck commander dvd calling hunting bowhunting dvd whitetail deer hunting dvd realtree monster bucks drury outdoors hunting vhs tapes deer hunting video hunting vhs video duck hunting dvd monster bucks elk dvd duckmen dvd duck dynasty dvd turkey hunting dvd dvd new africa bear. Clint locklears pcg and wolfer nation trapping today. Land trapping made simple,by katz,coyote,fox trapping.
Not flash and fluff, great coyote trapping observations. Long linning works in the west, almost impossible to do in the east. Carter has been in the wolf business a long time longer than anyone in the west. Eastern wolfer by clint locklear book predator control group pcg coyote. Trapping radio is a podcast that is hosted by clint locklear from. Trapping radio is a podcast that is hosted by clint locklear from predator control group. Clint was once told by a mentor of his to sell what you know, not what you catch. Though the importance of lure is often debated, most trappers agree.
Eastern wolfer, beaver blitzkrieg and mindset of a professional are training. This is essentially a 3 12 star book, four for content, less for style. Hes goes into detail about some of the old methods used by govt. While doing this, he had 3 years over 700 beaver and one over 1,100 beaver. Trapping books by clint locklear and predator control group. A great read for you trappers is clint locklear s eastern wolfer. The eastern coyote man has to learn to trap for the terrain and he climate that he lives in. Locklear eastern wolfer by clint locklear the first coyote book that caters to eastern and midwestern coyote trapping. Predator control group clint locklear book eastern wolfer pcg. Beaver blitzkrieg, beaver trapping book by clint locklear. Trapping radio 253, how to trap eastern bobcats in mountains, woods and timber, also screen vs big pans. Clint locklear s crushing coon with the alcatraz video dvd raccoon trapping dvd clint locklear s crushing.
Robert hendersontrapping 101 del kramerfox and wolf methods harry phyfehow to trap fox and coyote bill. The first coyote book that caters to eastern and midwestern coyote trapping. Eastern wolfer will get you into the mindset of high per square mile catch on coyotes. Eastern flat sets that produce by clint locklear, dvd. Clint s lures and baits are what we personally use on our trapline, and the knowledge we gained from his videos and books put us years ahead of where we would be through trial and error. He covers a number of trap line experiences and introduces the reader to many old timers and hard core professional trappers that he has known over the years. Eastern wolfer book by clint locklear easewolfbk molnar. Habits, traps, snares, tools, attractors, location, sets, handling, marketing, etc. Its a weird thing, the relationship between wolves and people, but carter seemed to have a knack for bridging the gap between those who cant quit fighting over this iconic animal. Hiw ever after wolves were thinned out they moved over. You have come to the right place if you are looking for traps, trapping lure and bait, trapping gauntlets, trap dye, trap wax, fur handling supplies, trowels, packbaskets, snare supplies and cable, trap chain, boots and waders or any other trapping industry related product. The book eastern wolfer by clint locklear is written from clint s years of experience trapping all over the country, but this book is tailored specifically for the eastern trapper. Wolfer nation is about the art of trapping and snaring fur from the professionals at predator control group. The short story is, if you trap in the east and want to improve your coyote trapping game, this book is.
All questions and communications will be done by pms only. Trapping books by hawbaker trapping books, carman trapping. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Books or lure from predator control group, that is made from clint locklear. Trapping videos from professional trapper clint locklear.
We are fur brothers in the wolfer nation forum community. A complete guide to trapping all farmland fur with foothold traps, as well as body grippers. Professional trapping dvd series follow with predator control group as clint locklear goes into great detail on eastern flat set methods that out produce the standard after thought flat set. Follow clint locklear and newt sterling on their north carolina turtle line. A good wolfer would have mastered skills such as tracking and behavioral patterns and killing specific live stock killers. Most books and bobcat videos are based on western areas, no problem there till you. Clint started trapping in alaska for martin and red fox.
His presentations are filled with intriguing information about almost any aspect of american history. The flat set is the most underrated coyote killing set in the trappers arsenal. Clint locklear s the mindset of a professional book. Based on lessons learned through two decades of experimentation and tens of thousands of trapline miles. It is very detailed for the trapper that wants or needs to become a wolfer in the east, not the west. Locklear eastern wolfer by clint locklear why do eastern trappers learn to trap like western trappers. A western trapline dave morellicontrolling coyote damage f. Shoot me a cash price or i have duplicates of several books that i would trade. Clint locklears eastern wolfer book is the first coyote book that caters to eastern and midwestern coyote trapping.
If pms arent answered in a timely manner, the poster will be banned from using the trap shed. Eastern wolfer, beaver blitzkrieg and mindset of a professional are training books that are real books, not 34 trapping articles and a bunch of pics. Dvd coyote locations that produce by clint locklear pcg predator control group. There is no one in the industry more willing to help trappers. Eastern wolfer goes into the world of catching coyotes on their terms, habits and reactions. Dvd the portable pocket by clint locklear predator control group. Lure is a critical component of many traplines, and can often play a key role in a trappers success. Clint locklear eastern flat sets that produce geared toward the coyote trapper that wants to be above average on his predator line. Johnny has spent the last 50 years making a living at the type of life that most people in this day and age can only read about or dream of. What about alternative strategies that could net you more value for your hard earned catch. Their eyes glaze over and most dont know how important the trap is to their success or frustrating failure. Our traplines are vastly different from western lines and coyotes are completely different from foxes, which many of the eastern coyote tactics have been adapted from fox tactics.
This topic is the one that a lot of want to be coyote men coast through in most books looking for the secret set. An overview of trapping lures in the trapping world, lure is the term we use to describe scents that attract furbearers to a trap set. Clint locklear trapping dvd, trap, traps, coyote fox, fur, eastern flat sets i have for sale clint locklear s eastern flat sets that produce it has some good information if your into catching coyote. This week on trapping radio we get into how to trap and catch bobcats in the east, deep woods, big timber, no crops and mountains. In the latter part of the 19th century, when cattlemen paid bounties for wolf skins, the population of wolves decreased dramatically. Dakotaline dvd clint locklear speed processing beaver. Why do eastern trappers learn to trap like western trappers. Eastern wolfer by clint locklear trapperman forums. Mar 27, 2020 get all three books of the trilogy signed by curt locklear mr. Books bottles and containers cable stakes clothing dirt sifters. Trap location is not as simple as the books say it is.
He has made me into a polished arrow, and concealed me in his quiver isaiah 49. This dvd is geared toward the coyote trapper that wants to be above average on his predator line. One hour of intensive advanced flat sets and no hole techniques that equal more fur. Predator control group is the home of locklear s predator trapping business where he offers professional control services and instruction. The short story is, if you trap in the east and want to improve your coyote trapping. Locklear, clint eastern flat sets that produce dvd. Locklear, clint eastern flat sets that produce dvd rating required select rating 1 star worst 2 stars 3 stars average 4 stars 5 stars best name. We all want more predator production from our coyote sets. He generally performs songs on his banjo and guitar.
Eastern wolfer teaches you how to make a high per square mile kill. They have been married since 1995 and live in the pacific northwest region of the united states with their two children, a son and daughter. Matt jones and clint locklear team up and flat wear out the coyotes in. The book eastern wolfer by clint locklear is written from clints years of experience trapping all over the country, but this book is tailored specifically for the eastern trapper. Clint is a true professional at everything he does. Dec 31, 2015 where is the best place to set a trap to catch coyotes, the trap needs to be where a coyote will be. Long lining works in the west, almost impossible to do in the east. Predator control group clint locklear book the mindset of a professional pcg.
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